Drum Point Village West

The following is a list of frequently asked questions and their answers. If you don't find the answer to your question on this page, please contact the Association for clarification.

Rental Restrictions:
Q: Am I allowed to rent or lease my unit to a tenant?

A: You may rent (lease) your unit ONLY after you have owned it for a minimum of two years. Please click here for the Master Deed's text regarding restrictions and requirements for rentals. If you lease your unit, then both you and your tenant are required to execute a Condominium Occupant Identity Form, and this form and a copy of the lease must be submitted to the Association prior to occupancy by the tenant.

Monthly Payments & Finances:
Q: When is my monthly maintenance payment due?
A: Your monthly payment is due and payable on the first day of the month – April’s payment is due on April 1st, for example.

Q: If my payment is late, is there a late fee?
A: If your past due payment is received after the 15th of the month, your account is assessed a late payment fee of $35.00 each month until your account is brought current (to a zero balance). Please note that all payments received are always posted to the oldest outstanding invoice regardless of any notations made on your check.

Q: Why don’t I get a monthly bill or coupon book for my maintenance fee?

A: This is primarily due to the cost of postage and the 2+ hours of labor involved in putting mailings together.  Even without monthly invoices or coupon books, your maintenance payment is typically due on the same day as your mortgage payment. So, it should be easy to remember to mail your monthly payments on time. To request a statement for your homeowner account, please email dpvwfinance@gmail.com.

Financing, Re-financing and Homeowners Insurance:

Q: I need a copy of the Association’s Master Insurance Policy (a.k.a. Certificate of Insurance). Where can I get a copy?
A: All insurance related requests should be addressed to our insurance broker, Sam Leone at Tri-County Agency of Brick, Inc. You may contact Sam by telephone at 732-836-1050, fax at 732-836-3409 or email at Sleone@tri-countyinsurance.com . Ask Sam for a Certificate of Insurance (COI), and tell him that the name of the insured is Drum Point Village West, CAI. When requesting a COI, the more information you provide, the better -- e.g., your bank's Loan number, Mortgage Clause, Account Number, fax and phone numbers etc. Typical turn-around time is 24 to 48 hours.

Q: Is Drum Point Village West approved for FHA Mortgages or VA Mortgages?

A: Unfortunately, we are not approved at this time.
Q: I understand that the Association provides insurance coverage. What does this insurance cover, and should I also purchase my own policy?
A: A basic rule of insurance is that one can only insure what one owns. The Association owns parts of each building, and you -- as the Unit Owner --  own other parts. So, we BOTH need insurance. Each homeowner should maintain their own condominium homeowner policy -- usually referred to as an HO6 policy. That policy should insure the "Unit", the owner, and the owner's personal property.

The Association maintains insurance for all perils (other than floods and other causes of loss excluded by our policies) on ONLY the portion of the buildings that are owned by the Association -- the Common Elements and/or Limited Common Elements. Examples of items owned and insured by the Association include, but are not limited to:

  • Building foundations (to the extent, if any, that they can be insured)
  • Most of the buildings' framing or stud work
  • Exterior plywood and/or OSB sheathing
  • Roofing
  • Vinyl siding, gutters, leaders
  • Most exterior trim

Each homeowner should purchase insurance to cover those elements of the buildings that are part of the Unit (i.e., the homeowner's property). Examples of items that are owned  by the Unit Owner, and should be insured under the homeowner's policy include, but are not limited to:

  • All interior sheet rock
  • All sub-flooring and flooring
  • All windows and doors (both interior and exterior)
  • All interior trim
  • All tile work and wall coverings
  • All kitchen and bathroom cabinets and fixtures
  • All electrical, telecom and cable TV components and fixtures
  • All plumbing components and fixtures
  • All appliances
  • All interior and exterior HVAC components
  • The insulation that surrounds the Unit

For a more complete description of the components of the Unit (i.e., those components that should be insured under the homeowner's own policy), please refer to the Description of the Unit found in Paragraph 5 of the Master Deed, and also Paragraph 9 of the Master Deed (which spells out the unit owner's responsibility for certain Common Elements or Limited Common Elements appurtenant to their unit). Please share those descriptions with your insurance professional when discussing appropriate insurance coverage for you. If you need a non-certified copy of the Master Deed and By-laws, please contact the Association. We will be happy to provide unit owners with a one-time copy, free of charge. For certified copies, please contact the Ocean County Clerk's office.

The homeowner's insurance policy should also cover their personal property stored within the unit, as well as homeowner's liability coverage, and special condominium homeowner coverages.

The above is provided by the Association for general informational purposes only. The Association strongly encourages each homeowner to seek the advice of a qualified insurance professional to determine the need and adequacy of their own insurance coverage.

Restrictions on Exterior Changes and Exterior Storage/Decorations
Q: I want to install a satellite dish, screen door, attic fan, or I want to paint my front door a different color, or make other changes to the exterior of my unit. May I do so?
A: The Association must approve any modification to the exterior of the unit in writing, even if that exterior component is actually part of the unit itself. If you want to install something, or otherwise make a change to anything outside of the unit or to an exterior component of the unit, you must request permission to do so in writing. Please mail any such requests to the P.O. Box (no e-mail on these request please). The Association has 45 days from the receipt of your request to reply. Should you not receive a reply within the stipulated time frame, then you must consider your request to be denied – although we do always try to reply within the 45-day period   

Q: I want to place a storage cabinet or shed on my patio. May I do this?

A: Storage cabinets and sheds will not be approved. Any personal items stored outside the unit must comply with the restrictions in the Master Deed. If you need clarification for whether an item is allowed or not, please write to the Association at the P.O. Box (no e-mail on these requests please). If you are not certain about what is allowed to be placed outside of the unit, please ask. It will help to avoid any frustration, embarrassment, fines or other unnecessary costs.   

Q: Is there a list of items I'm allowed to place outside my unit that doesn't require "special permission" from the Association?

A: Yes. The official list can be found within the Master Deed under Paragraph 13 - Restrictions. We suggest that you refer to the Master Deed as that is the primary governing document for the Association. However, the following is a summary of items that may be placed outside the unit that do not require "special permission" from the Association:

  • A single decorative item on the front door
  • On rear patios, tables, benches, chairs and gas-fired barbeques will be allowed, with specific restrictions on how far away from the Buildings “hot” barbeques must be kept. The Unit Owner will be liable if a “hot” barbeque damages the vinyl siding or the Buildings. Charcoal grills and all "fire pits" are prohibited by our insurance carrier.
  • A bench may be placed on front walks, with limitations on its size, and limitations on its placement, so as not to be a hazard to pedestrians
  • A total of 8 planters and/or flowerpots may be placed on the Limited Common Elements attributable to a Unit (i.e., patio, front walk and driveway), with limitations on height, and with limitations on their placement so as not to be a hazard to cars or pedestrians, and not to obstruct the view of any other Unit Owner or Tenant
  • Winter holiday decorations and lights may be placed within 10 feet from the front of the Unit, but may not be attached to the Unit (as this would permanently damage the vinyl siding), with limitations on dates for displays
  • Easter/Passover decorations may be placed within 10 feet from the front of the Unit, but may not be attached to the Unit (as this would permanently damage the vinyl siding), with limitations on dates for displays
  • Halloween decorations may be placed within 10 feet from the front of the Unit, but may not be attached to the Unit (as this would permanently damage the vinyl siding), with limitations on dates for displays
  • A small flower and/or vegetable garden may be kept behind the Unit, with limitations on size, and location
  • On rear patios, a total of two items, in addition to those items specifically described above, will be allowed, with limitation on size, and location

        Please note the following:

  • Nothing may be attached to the Buildings in any way (as it could damage the vinyl siding)
  • No floodlights may be installed without the permission of the Association (as improper installation would permanently damage the vinyl siding)
  • With the exception of the small garden, Unit Owners and Tenants may not plant anything in the ground (i.e., living plants or other items) without the permission of the Association
  • Other than holiday decorations, holiday lighting, and the small garden, Unit Owners and Tenants may not place any items on the landscaped portions of the property or Common Elements, except as specifically mentioned above
  • Unit Owners and Tenants place any items outside the Unit at their own risk and liability. The Association shall not be liable for any damage to items placed outside the Unit

Q: Where can I view a copy of the Restrictions section found in the Master Deed?
A: Click here to view Paragraph 13 (Restrictions) of the Master Deed.    

Q: I have received a notice from the Association that I am being fined for a violation of the Master Deed, By-laws, or Rules of the Association. May I appeal the fine(s)?
A: You have the right to dispute fines via an Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) hearing per NJSA 46:8B-14 (k). ADR is a formal proceeding that requires both parties in the dispute to submit their grievances to a mediator, who will then determine whether the grievances are appropriate for ADR. If so, an ADR hearing will be scheduled where the ADR mediator will meet with both parties together in an attempt to settle the dispute.

A written request for ADR must be received by the Association within 10 days of the date you were first notified that a fine has been levied against your account. When such a timely request is received from you, the Association will locate a qualified ADR mediator to be assigned to your case, and that mediator will contact you with further instructions.

Repairs, Painting and Who Owns What

Q: My attic fan is leaking or doesn’t work. Who is responsible for repairing it?
A: The attic fan is an optional feature and is part of the unit – even though it physically resides outside of the unit. Accordingly it is the unit owner’s responsibility to maintain or repair it, and also maintain or repair the roofing seal through which the fan is installed.

Q: My window is broken, or my front door is damaged. Who is responsible for repairing it?
A: All windows and doors are part of the unit. Accordingly it is the unit owner’s responsibility to maintain or repair them – please refer to your Master Deed for a complete Description of the Unit. Although the Association does not own these items, they can restrict the colors in which these exterior unit components can be painted. Should you need to paint your door or trim, please see below for approved paint colors.

Q: My patio needs maintenance (e.g., cleaning), repair or replacement. Who is responsible for it?
A: The unit owner is responsible for the maintenance, repair and replacement of their patio. This responsibility is explicitly stated in the second passage of Paragraph 9 of the Master Deed. While the patio is a Limited Common Element, it remains the unit owner's responsibility to maintain their patio because that patio is appurtenant to their Unit alone.

Q: I need to paint my front door or door trim (millwork). What color paint do I need to use?
A:  It depends on your unit type:

Mignatti units (all of Manhattan Drive and Black Fox Trail, plus 67-73 White Swan Way):
Trim paint: (Home Depot) Glidden Satin EM 6924 premium exterior white trim paint
Door Paint: Glidden Evermore Satin Premium Exterior acrylic Latex Base 3 EM 6913 ...Bold Terra Cotta;
Alternative Door Paint: Sherwin Williams Fired Brick SW6335
Primer: Glidden white primer sealer Gripper...use formula for Bold Terra Cotta with 75% of colorant

Miller units (1 through 65 White Swan Way):
Door and step kick plate: Sherwin Williams Exterior Satin "7025 - Backdrop"
Primer: Premium Sherwin Williams ProBlock Latex Primer Sealer Base 600-6258 ( B51-00-20) use formula for "7025 - Backdrop" at 75% of colorant

Frequently Asked Questions